Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Out in Left Field

I feel like I am out in left field in life anymore. I have two completely neglected blogs and a neglected house but hey the kids are happy and healthy right? WRONG! I have completely forgotten about me. And that old addage that says, "If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" is beginning to fall true at my house. I completely fell off the weight loss wagon. I've gained nearly 20 pounds in the last year. I've been to the gym off and on but I can't seem to make it a habit. Something always comes up and off I go again. I have six months to prepare for my first formal ball as well as my 10 year wedding anniversary. The idea for the last few years was that we were going to renew our vows with a big to do ceremony but after looking at pictures of myself recently there is no way I am spending my hard earned money on a gorgeous wedding dress at this size. It just isn't happening. I have a hard enough time wrapping my head around having to wear a ball gown so.... Back on the wagon I go. This time I am dragging the husband with me. We've now been to the gym for two days. It is so hard to get up and go so early when we are running so much each night we barely make it to the bed before we can pass out. But once we get there it works out fine. Luckily softball and soccer season are almost over with. Then that means just a couple of months of baseball season and I can actually get some rest and allow my body to heal and lose weight. Be on the lookout for more posts to come. Like I said, I am dragging the husband with me this time and he's not happy about it.